See my graphic works

I was born in Terrassa in December 1958, in a family of merchants, and from a young age it was already clear that my future was oriented towards artistic creation, starting my studies of graphic design and photography at the prestigious Escola Massana from Barcelona. I have extensive experience of more than 30 years working in my professional specialty, always based on the values ​​of quality and innovation. Creativity that has been applied and applied permanently in my works and design pieces.

I practice creative photography, where I develop my sensitivity when it comes to capturing moments and the treatment of images, which I have exhibited publicly, and I have received recognition for my work.

I am the creator and director of the company Original Disseny i Comunicació SL, in 2011 I gave a turn to my career, and that I focus on the design of clocks, with a new conception and philosophy.

After developing the ideas and the project, at the beginning of 2012 I established the Tothora brand and started the activity of designing, manufacturing and marketing clocks.

The project was born after reflections on the measurement and transcendence of time, “time is something that we always miss and that we are constantly looking for, even so, if it were possible, we would buy it to have more”. Time is everyone’s good and it is scarce, as described by sages, artists and writers. It offers time to live, in different ways and with a new way of seeing”.

I define myself as a seeker of time, I start the new adventure. And I break new ground in the world of clock design, with the aim of bringing the owner of a Tothora clock to a new temporal dimension.

In 2013, my project was recognized by the CECOT Board of Trustees, and they gave me recognition for the “value of starting”, at the Entrepreneur’s Night held in Terrassa city.

The project is included in a business acceleration network, Start-up Catalonia, a support program of the Generalitat de Catalunya for companies and entrepreneurs.

I wil not be the one who defines the time, by doing so I fear losing it.

Josep Vera