Barcelona Flower by Tothora in Arte Regalo magazine

Barcelona Flower, a wall clock inspired by flowers and its diversity of colors and nuances, handmade with solid wood including needles and with the possibility of personalizing it according to your tastes or tendencies. The base model is made with beech and walnut woods.

A fun wall clock with a Mediterranean character capable of falling in love and that will mark the most important hours of your life.

Last year floral and natural trends have been a reference of inspiration for many creators.

To pull the petals off a daisy, and you know, it loves me, it does not love me, it loves me …

Tothora, art in time.

Arte Regalo gener 2018

Christmas Days by Tothora

Tothora has participated in the DFactory Christmas Market held in Granollers, during the past Christmas, a market that has celebrated its third edition and which is attended by about 10,000 people. During the same, Tothora has promoted its particular Christmas Days by Tothora, making special discounts.

DFactory 2018